Here are just a few of the comments from people who have explored Cutting the Changes
and my related articles and clinic presentations:


            “This Cutting the Changes approach IS EXACTLY [like] getting into the store and FEELING the fabrics [rather than window-shopping]!!!! Blew my socks off this morning and went over twice with the piano in front of me. I SOUNDED PRO over 'What Is This Thing Called Love,' which I had never even seen before."
Charles Cutler, January 31, 2022

            I just rediscovered something great: Cutting the Changes. It's been sitting on my shelf for ages, among a lot of other books that I started but never fully absorbed. Now that I'm retired, I have the time to fully grasp your approach; and all I can say is: Wow. This is perfect! Just what I needed. I sound better than ever, thanks to your great book.... If I ever run into any other music hobbyists like me, I will certainly recommend your book to them."
Steve Kobb, December 1, 2019

            “My misery is gone! Thanks to you I can now enjoy improvising like never before. While reading the intro to your Cutting the Changes book, it was like you were talking to me alone. Oh, the horror of trying to improvise over standards.... I even started avoiding these tunes because I couldn't keep up with a chord change every beat. Thanks for this book and this method!"
Barry Shelton, September 2, 2017

            “I am the chair of the Jazz Section of the North Carolina Music Educator's Association. A number of years ago you presented a clinic at the NCMEA conference on your book 'Cutting the Changes' that helped me tremendously, as I am a classical horn player by trade."
Keith D. Grush, February 7, 2017

            “I thoroughly enjoyed reading the introduction to your book. I don't usually consider reading a book's introduction to be all that profitable, but I found yours to be different. I found it to be filled with a wealth of beneficial insights. Thank you."
            —Fred Calandrino, October 26, 2016.

            Thank you for a wonderful clinic this morning! This is the second year I've had the pleasure of attending your Conn-Selmer Institute clinics. Your delivery is always so positive and inclusive, and you keep us interested. The time flies by! I teach jazz strings, and I'm looking forward to applying your easy approach to Cutting the Changes with my students."
            —Kyle Weirich, Orchestra Director, Elkhart Central High School (IN), June 14, 2016.

            “I have your Cutting the Changes book. LOVE it. I am a 66 year-old amateur, and this is the 'essential' textbook of my improv-learning."
            —Travis Wilson, June 12, 2016.

            “I'm thinking about doing a similar seminar in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area for the trombone students here, and I would love to have you do your improvisation presentation. I find so many student players here in the area that I have taught privately have no idea about how to improvise. Your system makes it so simple and easy for the student. I have used it with my students, and they have done very well."
            —Larry LeMasters, trombonist, educator, Suffolk Public Schools (VA), February 2, 2016.

            “I've never mentioned it, but I have had your Cutting the Changes book since I began playing in sixth grade. I remember to this day, playing my first ever lick of jazz. It was on "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face"; and I sat and played through it without any knowledge of the theory, language, or style of jazz. But it's something I vividly remember, and I believe it sparked some type of curiosity in me."
            —Robert Williamson III, trumpeter, April 12, 2015.

            “We have experimenting with a few approaches in improv, and I was thinking of our couple of conversations on improv. Your work has been very meaningful to us."
            —Tom Lizotte, Cape Elizabeth High School (ME), May 22, 2014.

            “I am finding a lot of helpful information for playing and teaching in your book, Cutting the Changes. It is an impressive work. Thank you. I don't know whether you know or not, but your book is the reference for one of the solos in the Alabama All-State Jazz audition. That's how I was lucky enough to find it: working with students who are auditioning. I hope to stay in touch with you and your work. I'm always learning (trying to); and I like your insights."
            —Chuck King, October 13, 2013.

            “I’ve used your Cutting the Changes method with several [of my trombone students] and continue to use the concepts in the book with Real Book tunes, etc.; so most of them are familiar with this and know who you are. I’ve used the book in my high school teaching and in clinics also; the introduction described me my first two years in college!"
            Jeffrey T. Phillips, Ed.D.,
Band and Orchestra Director, Hendersonville High School (TN); Trombone and Euphonium Professor, Belmont University; Past President, American School Band Directors Association; October 17, 2011.

            “How can I buy your book from over here in the UK? I need the book for Bb instruments."
            —Jeff Matthews, November 13, 2009.

            “Your book is stunning. Really great. The rhythm section on Cutting the Changes and the sound quality are fantastic. Wondering if you’ll ever do, or have done, more?"
            —Bruce Conway, flutist, July 28, 2009.

            “I bought your book when it first came out. I loved the concept; but when I first read it back then, I was still in the line of mistaken thinking that it was all too elementary for me. (I am an intermediate improviser.) ..I have changed my mind. I pulled your book out this week and began to read it again (with the CD ROM info): I 'get it' much more now and love the freedom it gives me. It takes me out of my 'robot' mode of trying to play 'the changes.' Will you continue this Cutting the Changes series with more lessons on situations that we may run into when analyzing tunes, or do you have any other online or downloaded materials I can have or buy? Thanks again for opening these doors for me.... PLEASE continue the info and series on this topic through books or downloads!”
            —Steven Moore, February 9, 2008.

        “I love this book. Thank so much for simplifying jazz for me. It has been a passion and a long struggle for me. I have a full-time job that has nothing to do with music, but I'm thinking about playing 24 hours a day. I've been jazz guitarist for a while, and I know I should have got the idea by now; but I think too much, I guess. Thanks again."
            —Brian Conforti, October 25, 2007.

            “I have this day stumbled across your book, CD, and CD-ROM and have already made some life-changing decisions. I have been a musician the better part of my 82 years and have just had my eyes opened to a number of very wonderful and important things outlined in the book. Thank you. I know the things I have learned and the things I will learn will make me a better teacher of my middle school students at the Cypress Lake Middle School in Ft. Myers, Florida. Thank you again.”
            —Bruce Benson, middle school educator, Florida, September 11, 2007.

            “I enjoyed your clinic and playing at the conference very much! I bought the book! Excellent materials and resources! I love how you have simplified things. I'm going to have my students pick it up this year! Congratulations!”
            —Jim Decker, Assistant Professor of Trombone, Texas Tech University, June 19, 2007 (regarding my jazz workshop “Cutting the Changes: Jazz Improvisation via Key Centers,” at the International Trombone Festival in Las Vegas, NV, June 1, 2007, plus featured solo performance).

            “I got your book in every key and have been trying it out with some of my students. It's fun to see some of the kids really enjoying it! Thanks!”
            —Kathy Krubsack, French horn teacher, Wisconsin, June 2, 2007.

            “I have just read your article. It has been a ‘Eureka’ moment: it has opened a floodgate. One can go through a song and seek out the tonal centres. Can I purchase a copy of your book here in the U.K.? Thanks again.”
            —Roy Voce, saxophonist, United Kingdom, April 29, 2007 (regarding my article “Unlocking Standard Tunes: Use Your Keys!,” Down Beat, Volume 74, No. 5, May 2007 and related book Cutting the Changes: Jazz Improvisation via Key Centers).

            “Didn't get a chance to say hi at the IAJE, but I attended your workshop. WOW, you blew me away. Congratulations on your talent as a teacher. I am just beginning to teach private lessons, and your approach will definitely be put into practice!”
            —Rick Trolsen, trombonist, New Orleans, LA, March 5, 2007 (regarding my jazz workshop “Cutting the Changes: Jazz Improvisation via Key Centers,” at the International Association for Jazz Education Conference in New York, NY, January 12, 2007).

            “I just bought your book, Cutting the Changes, this weekend. Even with degrees in music education, I always felt like the left and right hemispheres were dueling when I tried to improv. Emphasizing tonal centers in the music has been very freeing. The rhythm section is wonderful! Supplementary CD-ROM is excellent! Hope you turn Cutting the Changes into a series of books!”
            —Fran Broughton, music educator, Vermont, February 18, 2007

            “I attended your Cutting the Changes session at IAJE last week and must say it was fantastic. Thank you so much.”
            —Ingrid James, jazz vocalist, Australia, January 18, 2007 (regarding my jazz workshop “Cutting the Changes: Jazz Improvisation via Key Centers,” at the International Association for Jazz Education Conference in New York, NY, January 12, 2007).

            “It was a pleasure to meet you and see you work. You are true professional and a delight to listen to when you instruct. I love your sense of humor and common-sense approach. Please let me know if you are out in the Seattle area: I would love to have you play with my band!”
            —Paul Harshman, Director of Bands, Shorewood High School (Seattle, WA), January 16, 2007 (regarding my jazz workshop “Cutting the Changes: Jazz Improvisation via Key Centers,” at the International Association for Jazz Education Conference in New York, NY, January 12, for which I utilized several of his students to demonstrate my pedagogical concepts).

            “I just want to let you know that I truly enjoyed your presentation and found it very helpful. As a matter of fact, I purchased your book and started reading it in the plane on the way back home. I can't wait to actually put the concepts in practice!”
            —Charmaine Clamor, jazz vocalist, Los Angeles, CA, January 15, 2007 (regarding my jazz workshop “Cutting the Changes: Jazz Improvisation via Key Centers,” at the International Association for Jazz Education Conference in New York, NY, January 12, 2007).

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