UCT/IAJE International Instrument Relief Effort

Profs. Mike Campbell (left) and Mike Rossi (right) show jazz students the instruments donated by Jamey Aebersold as part of the IAJE/UCT Instrument Relief Effort.

Photo credit: Courtesy Michael Rossi

Dear Friends,

As an educator committed to living in a democratic South Africa, I know that the need for qualified teachers and support materials is crucial not only to the success of this young democracy but will also help immensely in securing a bright future for so many talented and deserving students. However, the largest obstacle facing our students and future music teachers in this country is the need for quality affordable instruments and instrument supplies, as many students that possess exceptional musical talent simply cannot afford an instrument of their choice. The unfavorable exchange rate (presently 10 Rands to 1 U.S. Dollar) and extremely high import tariffs and taxes on instruments make it nearly impossible for students to purchase even an entry-level instrument. As part of an International Instrument Relief Effort supported by IAJE and by the University of Cape Town, I therefore kindly request your involvement and support in establishing an endowment for the purchase of instruments and instrument supplies.

We are extremely grateful to Jamey Aebersold for leading the way via donations and generous discounts in the form of educational CDs, books, videos, and published arrangements. We have also received support from music publisher Chuck Sher, who has donated several books. Bob Sinicrope (Milton Academy, Massachusetts) has been a key advocate for instrument relief in South Africa; and on each of his trips to South Africa he has donated precious resources for students.

The instruments and supplies most needed include the following:

Your donation to the UCT Instrument Relief Endowment as part of an International Relief Effort will forever change the lives of many truly talented and deserving students. A subcommittee of the SAJE will be formed to assist with coordinating the distribution of these gifts. On behalf of our Dean, Professor Robin Cohen, Professor Franklin Larey, Dr. Mike Campbell, the UCT Development Office, and IAJE I wish to sincerely thank you for your support.

Donations to this Endowment can also be processed through contacts in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom and thereby carry corresponding tax benefits; contact the person listed to discuss gift and tax options:

Dr. Ron McCurdy (left) and Dr. Willie Hill (center) rehearse the University of Cape Town Big Band.

Photo credit: Courtesy Michael Rossi

—from the United States:

Make checks payable to:

UCT Fund, Inc.

c/o Burns, Kennedy, Schilling, and O'Shea

120 Broadway, 18th Floor

New York, NY 10271 USA

The UCT Fund, Inc. has Section 501 (c) (3) status.

Contact Mr. Edmund Burns to discuss gift and tax options.

Tel +1 212 964 2469

Fax +1 212 962 4140

E-mail ejb598@aol.com


—from Canada:

Make checks payable to:

UCT Foundation

390 Bay Street, Suite 1202

Toronto, ON M5H 2Y2 Canada

Contact Mr. Harry Blumberg to discuss gift and tax options.

Tel +1 416 361 1982

Fax +1 416 363 8451

E-mail henry@blumbergs.ca


—from the United Kingdom:

Make checks payable to:

The UCT Trust

83A Esher High Street

Esher, Surrey KT10 9QA UK

Contact Mrs. Sibylla Tindale, Consultant Director, to discuss gift and tax options.

Tel +44 1372 477 116; Fax +44 1372 477 118

E-mail uct-trust@tecres.net


—from South Africa:

Make checks payable to:

The University of Cape Town

Department of Communication and Development

Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 South Africa

Direct deposits may be made into the dedicated UCT Donations Bank Account:

Bank Name: Standard Bank of South Africa

Account Name: UCT Donations Account

Branch: Rondebosch

Branch Code: 02 50 09

Account Number: 07 152 2387

Account Type: Current Account

Swift address: SBZAZAJJ

Branch Address: Belmont Road, Rondebosch, Western Cape

Please fax a copy of the deposit slip or bank instruction to the Department of Communication and Development along with a cover letter stating that the donation is for the UCT Instrument Relief Effort.

Gifts are tax-deductible under Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

Contact Ms. Kim Weyer to discuss gift and tax options.

Tel +27 (0)21 650 4140; Fax +27 (0)21 650 4667

E-mail kweyer@bremner.uct.ac.za


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at rossim@protem.uct.ac.za; or contact the UCT Development Office, as indicated above.

Your support is always appreciated. Any gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.

Most sincerely yours,

Dr. Michael J. Rossi

Associate Professor, UCT

Jazz Studies/Woodwinds

SAJE Secretary